
Calpurnia Tate

The Evolution of Calpurnia TateThe Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly

In 1899, Calpurnia Tate is 11 years old.  The only girl with seven brothers.  She likes adventures and watching the animals and insects in her backyard in Texas.  She and her grandfather discover each other and their likes and form a special bond.  All the while, Calpurnia’s mother is trying to make her into a “young lady”; teaching her to sew and cook and to look presentable – there is nothing Callie wants less.

I loved this book – it did take me a while to love it, but I was sad that it was over.  Callie, although she complains about being the only girl, has wonderful relationships with her brothers.  She is a strong willed, smart little girl.  I think its important to show our girls that everything does not always have to be the same and that so many things are possible for them.

Jacqueline Kelly has done a wonderful job bring Callie and the rest of the characters to life- it was a joy to be a witness to Callie’s life!

Happy Reading!

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