
Charlotte’s Web

I hope that everyone has read Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White.  It is truly a classic.  I read this to my 1st grade class each year.  They always loved read aloud, I would tell them to just lie down and listen, to let the pictures form in their heads of what they were hearing me read.  They relished it.  And, they LOVED Charlotte’s Web.

Wilbur, the runt pig, is saved by the little girl, Fern.  When he is old enough and big enough he has to move out of the house to the barn.  There, he discovers a whole new world.  Charlotte, the spider, whom Wilbur adores.  Templeton, the rat, is hysterical.  The prim and proper gander always talking.  He has a new family, who then have to work hard to save his life.  It is sad at the end, so be sure to read ahead on your own so you can be prepared for questions from your children.  It is a wonderful story of family and unconditional love – those are the hidden meanings.  The kids will enjoy the talking animals!  If you haven’t read it, start it – and read it to your kids.  It is an excellent chapter book for read aloud – one chapter a night.  I guarantee they’ll want to hear more.

Once you finish reading, wait for a rainy day and go get the movie – the old one with Debbie Reynolds and Paul Lynde.  Pop up some popcorn and have a movie day/night with your kids.  You wont be disappointed.

I just found this website. (http://www.abcteach.com/directory/theme_units/literature/charlottes_web/) worksheets for the older children to complete while reading or after they have finished reading!  If your kids liked it that much, you might want to try getting some worksheets out of them!  Hey, you never know!

Happy Reading!

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