
Off to School

I realize this is probably more appropriate for September, and back to school.  But, given the fact that this is probably our first full week of school since January 2nd, I thought it might inspire some of you.   The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, illustrations by Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak, is a wonderful story about the excitement of going to school for the little kids, but also the pain of being separated from Mommy or Daddy.  I’m sure all of us have had very similar situations. (http://www.audreypenn.com/)

My mom sent me this book about  5 years ago when my daughter first went to school.  It was a one day a week program, she was just 3 and had a brand new brother, so I thought the 2 hours break would be good.  It did end up being a good thing for her, but those first few weeks were heartbreaking for her and me.  How could I leave my child screaming? (even though I knew within minutes she would be fine.  Me, maybe not so quickly!).  My daughter and I read this book almost every night for a month.  Each time she went to school she and I would kiss each other’s hands and then a big smooch!  She is in 2nd grade now, and we still do it.  It’s one of those moments I treasure, as I’m not sure how much longer it will last.  She and I read this story to her brother when he started school last year.  He was interested, but never really took to it as she did.  He refuses to kiss me at anytime, so getting him to kiss both my hands before school would be a battle not worth fighting.  But, when his sister comes with us to drop him off, he does kiss her hands!  Where is the justice?

Hug your people!

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