
I’m back . . . sort of.

So, since my last post we have had quite the roller coaster.  Finished building a house, moved out of apartment, moved into new house the week before Christmas (everyone warned me not to!), Thanksgiving, Christmas, 12 people for Christmas dinner, 18 family for day after Christmas fun, unpacking, crashed car into stone wall(only thing hurt was the car and wallet), unpacking, broken dining room table, broken heirloom chandelier, got all our stuff out of storage, still unpacking.  Probably not in the right order, but you get the picture.  So, I have not had much time to read books, the end of my day is pretty much head falling on the pillow and instantly asleep!

I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking – what else does one do when swimming in a sea of boxes?  Do I continue this blog?  I have definitely not gotten tired of reading and sharing what I like and don’t like.  Facebook has become so scary to me in term of security and everyone knowing exactly what is going on in your life.  When I read some comments or posts, my immediate thought is “get a life”  But, there are other things that interest me on Facebook, so I am glad for it.  In the end, I have decided to keep reading and writing, because I wish that I had more ideas for books for my children, so hopefully I can help you.

Happy Reading!

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