
My Lucky Day

My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza

My son told us about this book.  His teacher read it to the class on day.  I had never heard of it, so I asked  him to tell me about it.  He told me the whole story, perfectly!  And, he asked me to go get it out of the library the next day.  My son sits and listens so well in circle time that he could re-tell the story, and he asks for books out of the library.  There are definite advantages to giving your children a love of books at an early age.

We all loved this book.  It was funny and cute.  The illustrations are wonderful.  At the beginning of the story, you are sure it is the fox’s lucky day.  But by the end of the story, you’re sure it was not the fox who had the luck.  This is a great read-aloud for kids.

Keiko Kasza has many other picture books that we will be sure to look at the next time we are at the library (later this week, as our books are due) http://www.keikokasza.com/

Happy Reading!

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