
Thunder Cake

Thunder cake [Book]Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco

What better way to ride out a storm than making a cake with Grandma?  A little girl is terrified of thunder and hiding under the covers.  Her Babushka (Grandma, in Russian) tells her to get out so they can make Thunder Cake.  They are so busy making the cake, they don’t even think about the VERY loud thunder or the lightning.   It’ s just noise, and her Babushka helps her gets over her fears.  The recipe for thunder cake is even included at the end of the story.  Patricia Polacco is a wonderful author and illustrator.  It is a pleasure to read her books, and my children love to hear them.  When I was teaching, my class would be enraptured while I read Patricia Polacco stories.  I will put many more up in the future.  (http://www.patriciapolacco.com/)

I always think of my friend,  Martha,  during a thunderstorm.  She was terrified of thunder.  She wouldn’t even talk to me on the phone during a thunderstorm.  I remember being out to dinner with her and her husband, Jim, the night before my husband and I were to leave for our honeymoon.  He and I were so happy, and Martha and Jim were just as happy for us.  There was a thunderstorm.  While we had finished dinner, we stayed at the restaurant until we were sure the storm was over.  We had so much fun; laughing, talking, making fun of Martha every time we heard a BOOM!   I think I like thunderstorms even more now, because they remind me of Martha!

Happy Reading!

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